Experience/ Dzogchen Transmission
Direct Transmission
The starting point for the practice of Dzogchen is to receive ‘Direct Transmission’ from the teacher.
This 'Direct Transmission' is the means by which the teacher introduces us directly to the true nature of our mind: our primordial state or ‘rigpa’ (Tibetan). ''When we are doing this practice together we are unifying in the same state, that famous state in Dzogchen teaching called the primordial state.... that means teacher and students are all in that moment in the primordial state, so in this way there is a possibility to transmit. For transmission there is no distance, if you are far or near it doesn’t matter because knowledge of transmission is beyond time and distance. So for this reason we can use this method." Chögyal Namkhai Norbu |
World Wide Transmission |
We can receive ‘Direct Transmission’ from the teacher in person by attending a retreat, but since this is not always possible, Chögyal Namkhai Norbu also gives ‘Direct Transmission’ via the worldwide web. We call this 'World Wide Transmission.' There are three of these each year.
Originally Chögyal Namkhai Norbu had the idea of 'Transmission via the Web' because he wanted to help people in difficult situations who could not travel at that time to meet the Teacher. The World Wide Transmission enables them to start to practice the Dzogchen Teachings transmitted by him without being in his direct physical presence. Newcomers who want to participate in a World Wide Transmission (WWT) should be seriously interested in the Dzogchen Teachings, which are transmitted by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu and practiced by the worldwide Dzogchen Community. New participants who have received Direct Transmission through World Wide Transmission should try to receive Teachings from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu personally in the future by attending one of his teaching retreats. After having received the Transmission, they should also try to train and collaborate with the Sangha of the International Dzogchen Community of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu. In order to participate in the WWT or simply to find out more, contact your local Community practitioners who will provide information and explanation for you to be able to participate in the transmission method. The next World Wide Transmission with Chögyal Namkhai Norbu will be
The Three Statements of Garab Dorje
"Garab Dorje was the first master of Dzogchen, who himself received transmission through direct visionary contact with the Sambhogakaya. Dzogchen teachings were taught for the first time on this planet in this time cycle by Garab Dorje, who manifested a birth in a Nirmanakaya form as a human being in the third century B.C.E., in the country of Ogyen, which was situated to the north west of India. He spent his life there teaching to both human beings and the dakinis. His final teaching before he entered the Body of Light was to summarise the teachings in Three Principles, sometimes known as The Three Last Statements of Garab Dorje.
He left behind this testament for all the Dzogchen practitioners of the future. The Three Statements of Garab Dorje are: Introduction to the state directly refers to the transmission by the master, who, in various ways, introduces and brings the disciple to understand the condition of "what is" - the individual's primordial state. This is the Base. Do not remain in doubt means that one must have a precise knowledge of this state, finding the state of the presence of contemplation which is one and the same in all the thousands of possible experiences. This is the Path. Continue in the profound knowledge of self-liberation is the Fruit. That means, the complete and unchangeable knowledge of self-liberation is totally integrated with one's daily life and in all circumstances one continues in that state. All the hundreds and hundreds of original texts of Dzogchen can be considered to be an explanation of these three verses of Garab Dorje." From Dzogchen, the Self-Perfected State Chögyal Namkhai Norbu |